We started this ministry with eight orphans who had lost one or both parents due to HIV/Aids or other tragedies. We found out that most of the families we were involved with migrated from Northern Uganda because of wars caused by the Kony rebels. As we continued to educate and help these children with their basic needs, we discovered that some of the children were not attending school even though school tuition and supplies were paid for at school.
Through our investigations, it was made clear that some children weren’t having meals at home and therefore it affected whether they attended school or not. We therefore started working together with the guardians and care-takers trying to problem solve with them and come up with a better way to help them get up on their feet. We decided to pay for meals for all of our children at school. Their attendance at school improved greatly and we have saw some of our children perform very well.
We have worked in Jinja, Uganda since 2003. Jinja is the second biggest city in Uganda with an estimated population of 300,000. The elevation of Jinja is 3950ft. and the temperature typically varies from 63°F to 90°F. Budumbuli was the first village we worked in. It used to be known as a crime village because it was undeveloped and it was a good hide out for criminals. However, there has been good improvement as this community continues to develop. The standard of living in this community is average but the need is greater as we’ve seen through the years. Most of the children we started with back in 2003 have graduated through our program. Some have degrees, others have diplomers/certificates from various vocational institutes. Others are married with children. They’ve became responsible citizens.
**Some of the programs we’ve done include**
Craft project:
Bisoboka craft club was a program started by the widows and care-takers in Budumbuli community. This program was meant to help the women earn extra money to take care of their families, afford basic needs as well as school supplies for their children’s education. Some of the crafts the ladies made included; necklaces, hand bags, mats and baskets.
Bed building project:
After discovering that most of the people we were working with were sleeping on the ground with no beds, we introduced this bed building project. We hired a carpenter who then taught all the care-takers and guardians how to make beds. In return, each participant walked away with a set of bunk beds for their families.
Sewing project:
Eager to learn new skills, some of the ladies in our project came out to learn tailoring. After going through this program, they each went home with a sewing machine to help them start a small business. They are sewing and mending clothes for a small fee in their community.
We have also been in contact with refugees in Northern Uganda. Most of them came from South Sudan because of political instabilities and wars. After visiting two refugee camps in Northern Uganda, it was clear to us that the need is great. We have been able to supply some basic needs and encouragement to families and pastors in the camps. It’s our hope to continue our partnership with them and offer help as needed.
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS!” Romans 10: 14 - 15.
His great commission to go into “all nations” lets us know that all mankind is indeed our “neighbor”. That’s why we do what we do and we love it! We love each child, each family and the country of Uganda! It’s not always easy and sometimes the sacrifices seem too much, but when you truly love what you do AND it’s the very thing God called you to do, it makes the sacrifices seem less. But God doesn’t only call those who have extra to give away, he calls all of us! He doesn’t ask you to select missions as one of the many things you “do” or donate to. He commands each and every one of his believers to obey him in love and to “GO!”. Through partnerships like yours, we have been able to reach out to many widows, orphans and needy families with basic needs, discovery bible studies, education and income generating projects. Thank you for partnering with us. This work would not have been done without you!! Thank you!!
"A new command I give you: Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34